
Free Workshop Series Celebrates Research Data This February

Submitted by Camie on

Join us for Love Data Week, a series of events led by experts from UGA, the University of Liverpool, and Ludwig Maximillian University, Germany, coming up just in time for Valentine’s Day. 

UGA students, faculty, and staff are invited to a series of free workshops celebrating data and teaching researchers at all stages how to plan out their data strategies, organize, analyze, and share their results. The workshops, many of which are available online via Zoom, will be held Feb. 10-14. 

December Deadlines for Libraries Spring Instruction Support

Submitted by Camie on

December deadlines are approaching for UGA Libraries services that will aid in instruction of your Spring 2025 classes.

Libraries Course Reserves

The UGA Libraries’ course reserves services help faculty to provide students with easy, no-cost access to readings and supplementary course materials personalized to class curricular needs whether through electronic materials that can be integrated into eLC or through physical items that can be held on reserve at one of our library locations.    

Meet the Team Dedicated to Supporting Research Data at UGA

Submitted by Camie on

As new regulations and best practices with research data evolve in academia, a new department at the University of Georgia Libraries is poised to help researchers navigate the changing technology and policy landscape at every stage of their project, from data management planning to analysis to publishing.

The Department of Research and Computational Data Management (RCDM) offers resources and support to faculty and student researchers whether they are experienced or just starting out. The five-person team, led by Dr. Beth Woods, offers seminars, workshops and one-on-one consultations with research data management planning; data discovery, access, and collection; data storage, analysis, and visualization; and publishing, copyright, and digital preservation. 

UGA Libraries Welcomes New Leaders

Submitted by Camie on

The University of Georgia Libraries are pleased to announce the naming of three new leaders who join University Librarian and Associate Provost Toby Graham in providing direction-setting and oversight for the libraries.

Newest to UGA is Sara Wright who started her role as Associate University Librarian for Learning Services and Academic Engagement in January. Wright formerly served as director of Cornell University’s Mann & Science Cluster Libraries, and her career at Cornell included stints as Academic Technology Librarian; Head of User Services and Engagement; and Head of Learning, Spaces, and Technology.

Free Access to Chronicle Offered by UGA Libraries

Submitted by Camie on

In 2024, members of the University of Georgia community can read up on the latest issues and trends facing universities with free access to the Chronicle of Higher Education, provided by UGA Libraries.

Per the agreement, users will automatically connect to on campus. For off-campus access, faculty, students, and staff can create a free account using their UGA e-mail address. Through their account, they can also subscribe to daily and weekly newsletters. 

UGA Libraries Hours In December, January

Submitted by Camie on

A number of UGA Libraries will operate under limited hours during the intersession period between the fall and spring semesters, with all locations closed for winter break beginning Dec. 24, reopening Jan. 3.

Intersession hours will be in place at the Main Library, McBay Science Library, and Miller Learning Center beginning Wednesday, Dec. 14, which means that the locations will not be open for the usual night hours. The MLC will be closed during weekends, and all locations will be closed on Sundays until classes resume on Jan. 9.

Introducing the UGA Access button

Submitted by Chandler Christoffel on

If you have used databases through UGA Libraries recently, including Multi-Search, you may have noticed something different. 

In several databases, we now have a UGA Access button. This button can connect you to full-text or print versions of articles, books, or other resources, when available. If no resource is available, you can also use the button to request a PDF or a physical copy from another library. Libraries calls this kind of button a link resolver. But jargon aside, think of it as a second option to check in case full-text is not directly provided by a database.