Main Library

Information for Graduating Students - Fall 2019

Submitted by MaryP on

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!

Before you leave campus, please return all books (including Interlibrary Loan and GIL Express) even if they are not due.

If you have any questions about your library account, please contact:

Access Services-Main Library

  • Phone: 706.542.3256
  • Email:

Access Services-Science Library

  • Phone: 706.542.4535
  • Email:


Course Reserves Deadline Approaching

Submitted by Camie on

The Course Reserves service provided by the UGA Libraries ensures that your students have free, timely access to your choice of course-related journal articles and/or books. Requests may be submitted at any time. Requests submitted by the guarantee date will be completed by the first day of classes. For Spring Semester 2020, the guarantee date is Friday, November 29, 2019. Requests received after this date will be processed as quickly as possible, but we cannot guarantee their availability by the start of classes.

UGA Partners with Google Books for Digital Access

Submitted by Camie on

University of Georgia Libraries’ books will soon transcend shelves and be available online to students, faculty and members of the community in Athens and around the world.

Through a new partnership with Google, about 120,000 of the Libraries’ 4.5 million volumes will be digitized, allowing further access to literary, historic, scientific and reference books and journals through UGA’s library catalog as well as one of the largest digital book collections in the world.

“The University of Georgia Libraries’ collection of 4.5 million volumes is a vast resource for students and scholars at our campuses, and the Google Books partnership extends those benefits to people across the globe,” University Librarian and Associate Provost Toby Graham said. “The ability to search through the full text of these digitized materials will make it even easier for researchers to gain access to the knowledge that helps them to better understand our world.”

Library Renovations Allow for More Study Options

Submitted by Camie on

For years, Anna Lee Robbins has enjoyed going to the Main Library at the University of Georgia to find a quiet place to study. But this year is different.

Thanks to new study rooms, Robbins and her classmate Alyssa Knowles set up their laptops nearly every day after class to go through their notes and work together toward their master’s in international policy.

“I’ve always been a big library person, but it’s a lot better now because we can collaborate,” said Robbins, who said she frequented the facility during her undergraduate studies as well. “It’s such an improvement over what it was, and I’m really appreciative.”

Finishing up her bagel from the Benson Collaboration Café, Knowles said the changes have made the Main Library a new favorite study venue for her. “We can discuss things, and it doesn’t bother anyone else,” she said. “It’s really open, and you can always find a place to focus.”

Student Projects Sought For Capturing Science Contest

Submitted by Camie on

UGA Libraries is hosting the 2019 Capturing Science Contest to encourage STEM communication in a diversity of formats. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for $3,000 in prizes.

Guidelines: Explain a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concept to a broader audience using any medium of your choice.

Prizes: The top three undergraduate and graduate submissions each receive prizes of $1,000, $350, and $150.

Deadline: 5:00pm, December 2, 2019

Eligibility: All currently-enrolled UGA undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. Students may submit works used for other class assignments. Multiple entries are acceptable.

Contest Criteria: Submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

New Group Study Rooms Open at the Main Library

Submitted by Camie on

A renovation of the University of Georgia Main Library brings the total number of small group study rooms across campus to more than 100.

The summer transformation of the Main Library’s first floor includes an additional 28 glass-walled rooms for small groups to discuss course materials. The rooms feature workspaces with white boards and power outlets, and the project also includes a larger room designed for groups of 12 to 15 people.

As part of the project, the Main Library is piloting a program to notify students of open group study spaces through a digital sign and web portal. The rooms may be utilized on a first-come, first-served basis, although the larger Barr Seminar Room may be reserved in advance.

Access to archival materials at Special Collections Libraries limited Saturday, March 9

Submitted by cleveland on

The UGA campus will not have internet for most of the day on Saturday, March 9th.

At the Special Collections Libraries, this means we will not be able to provide access to materials. If you would like to view materials on Saturday, please contact us or 706-542-7123 by 12pm on Friday, March 8th.

For the other campus Libraries, this means that you will not be able to login to our computers, and our systems (e.g., websites and other resources) will be inaccessible. You will still be able to check out books.

UGA will conduct network maintenance during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.



UGA-wide network and information systems outage, March 9

Submitted by deborah on

The University of Georgia will conduct network maintenance on Saturday, March 9 beginning at 8:00 a.m. This means that both campus internet and campus information systems will be down, possibly all day.

For the Libraries, this means that you will not be able to login to our computers, and our systems (e.g., websites and other resources) will be inaccessible. You will still be able to check out books.

Special Collections will also be affected. The outage will impact their ability to provide access to materials. If you would like to view materials on Saturday, please contact Special Collections at or 706-542-7123 by 12pm on Friday, March 8th.

GIL and GALILEO will only be accessible if you are using a *non-UGA internet service provider* at the following URLs:


GIL-Find Catalog