UGA Libraries’ Family Day Features Kids Clothing Swap

Submitted by Camie on

A special Family Day event at the UGA Special Collections Libraries features activities for the little ones and a kids’ clothing swap to celebrate sustainability for the adults.paper dolls and clothing in an exhibit case

The event, scheduled for 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 29, will explore clothing history through the ongoing exhibit From Farms to Fast Fashion: Unraveling the Need for Sustainable Style. Open to all ages, the event will include crafts, a gallery scavenger hunt, and snacks.

To participate in the clothing swap, bring your clean, gently used clothes — size preemie to preteen — to swap with other parents and families.

“Clothing swaps have been a part of fashion history for generations, especially to save money and materials needed to clothe fast-growing children,” said Jessica Grant, the event’s coordinator for the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library. “We hope that this event can help children and parents learn more about how to practice sustainability in style.”

For more information about the event and the exhibit, visit