The University of Georgia Libraries is the state's regional depository for U.S. government documents, receiving and retaining all publications made available through the Federal Depository Library Program.
This section contains information for federal depository libraries in Georgia, including:
For further information about the Federal Depository Library Program in Georgia please contact Sarah Causey. Please see the Georgia documents section for information about documents published by the State of Georgia.
DOCSGA-L is the official listserv for the depository libraries in Georgia and is used to distribute instructions and announcements, as well as discuss specific procedures, activities and ideas concerning the FDLP in Georgia. All Georgia depository library coordinators should be subscribed to the DOCSGA-L; the list is also open to other depository library staff members. Contact Sarah Causey to subscribe.
GOVDOC-L is a moderated listserv-based discussion forum about government information and the Federal Depository Library Program. Many subscribers are librarians in and out of government, although private and public information producers are represented as well.
MAPS-L - the Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum is an international discussion forum for Librarians dealing with cartographic information, cartographers, remote sensors, geographers, and cartomaniacs of all types. The subject that ties everything together is cartographic information in all its forms, formats and uses. MAPS-L is not affiliated with any professional organization or particular library.
Government Information Interest Group (GIIG) - Georgia Library Association
The Government Information Interest Group (GIIG) promotes the use and accessibility of federal, state, and local documents as well as foreign and international documents and provides support, information-sharing, and instruction for government documents at all levels.
Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) - American Library Association
The Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) provides a national forum for the discussion of problems and concerns and for the exchange of ideas among librarians working with government documents. GODORT strives to increase communication between documents librarians and other librarians and contributes to the extension and improvement of education and training of documents librarians.