General guidelines
Disposal guidelines are based on the Legal Requirements & Program Regulations of the Federal Depository Library Program.
Selective depository libraries in Georgia may withdraw depository materials from their collections after they have been retained for 5 years, following the guidelines set by the University of Georgia (UGA), the state's Regional depository library. There is no requirement that selective depositories must withdraw any materials, and each library is encouraged to consider the needs of its users when making collection decisions. You may find the information included in Weeding a Depository Collection of use when making decisions about materials to discard.
Documents intended for discard must be submitted to the University of Georgia for approval per the Discard List Procedures below. Items that can be submitted for approval to discard include:
If you have any questions about the following exception to the disposal guidelines, please contact Sarah Causey.
Offering discarded materials to libraries outside of Georgia
After a notification has been received that materials have expired from the database, libraries are encouraged to offer their discards to libraries outside of the Southeast, particularly if lists include older (pre-1950) documents. Offers can be posted to any of the following: