Marketing Materials: Literature, Giveaways, and Accessories
Below is a partial list of literature we keep on hand for giving out. Please contact Diane Trap or Amy Watts for general Libraries publications and Mazie Bowen for Special Collections publications.
General Libraries publications
- Fast Facts for Undergrads (4.25x11)
- Fast Facts for Graduate Students (4.25x11)
- Fast Facts for Faculty (4.25x11)
- Postcard with URLs on front, simplified campus map on reverse
- Services for Grad Students bookmark
- 4.25 x 11 info sheet with simplified campus map on reverse
- Subject area postcards
- In addition to subjects/departments listed on the subject page, we have postcards for the following people/services/etc:
- Makerspace
- First Year Studies
- In addition to subjects/departments listed on the subject page, we have postcards for the following people/services/etc:
- Digital Humanities Research and Innovation pamphlet
- Welcome Grad Students (Bullet list of services on front, simplified campus map on map. 8.5 x 5.5)
- Guide to Scholarly Publishing & Communication pamphlet
- ProQuest RefWorks half sheet handout, single-sided
Currently in stock:
- Bulldog puppy stickers
- Removable text flag booklets
- Insulated holders for beverage cans
- Lip balm
- Ballpoint pens
- Pencils
- Paw-shaped sticky note pads
- Card sleeves for cellphones
- Small notebooks
Please contact Diane Trap or Amy Watts with how many of which item(s) you require. With enough notice, we can ship through campus mail, otherwise, you'll need to pick up the materials from Main.
- Branded Tablecloths - The MLC has one - contact Shannon Bennett to borrow. The Science Library has one - contact Vicki Worsham to borrow. We are hoping to order one or two more to be kept at Main, but for now, these are the two we have.
- We also have two vertical displays - one no longer retracts so is usually kept in the Main Library Instruction Lab. The one that's still retractable and therefore more portable is kept in the Reference department. It has a custom carrying case. Contact Diane Trap or Amy Watts if you want to use it for an event.