The Libraries' Faculty Committee on Promotion will review the professional competence and contributions of librarians/archivists being considered for promotion. The committee is responsible for recommending action regarding promotion to the University Librarian and Associate Provost based on the Criteria for Appointment and Promotion for Librarians. The Committee on Promotion is also responsible for recommending an appropriate rank for all candidates for librarian/archivist positions.


Academic Professional Promotion

Academic Professionals appointed in the Libraries follow the University of Georgia Guidelines for the Appointment and Promotion of Academic Professionals.  For purposes of promotion, the appointment/promotion unit for Academic Professionals in the Libraries is their department. If there are insufficient eligible voting faculty (fewer than five) within the department, then the department head should identify faculty (at or above the rank being considered for the candidate) from related units who are willing to serve as members of an ad hoc academic professional appointment or promotion unit.  See Section 3 and 3.1 of the UGA Guidelines for the Appointment and Promotion of Academic Professionals for further information. 


Important Documents


Promotion Process Timetable

Committee on Promotion Solicits Nominations  First Monday in May
Nomination Letters Due from Nominators First Monday in June
List of References Due from Candidate First Monday in July

Dossier Due from Candidate 

Candidates should have completed a dossier in eLc including supporting materials as described in the Promotions Process document. Candidates will not have access to dossiers after this date. 

First Tuesday after Labor Day
Letters Due from References First Tuesday after Labor Day
Recommendations to University Librarian and Associate Provost First Friday in November
University Librarian Informs Candidates of Promotions Decision 15 Working Days After Receipt of Recommendations
Appeal of Denial of Promotion Within 5 Working Days After Receipt of Denial from University Librarian
Appeal Committee Formed Within 10 Working Days of Notice of Appeal
Appeal Hearing Held Within 10 Working Days of Appeal Committee Formation
Committee Decision to University Librarian, Committee on Promotion, and Appellant Within 10 Working Days of Hearing
University Librarian Arranges Meeting with Appellant to Discuss Decision Within 10 Working Days of Notification of the Appeals Committee's Decision
University Librarian Forwards Recommendations to Provost January 6, 2025



Current Members of the Committee on Promotion

Term expires
Meagan Duever Research & Computational Data Management Librarian IV Chair, Promotion Cttee June 2025
Emmeline Kaser Digital Stewardship Librarian II June 2026
Keith Knop Cataloging Librarian III At-large Member, Promotion Cttee June 2025
Erin Leach Administration Librarian IV Chair, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion June 2026
Jasmine Rizer Cataloging Librarian III June 2026
MacKenzie Smith Cataloging Librarian III FOG Chair June 2025
Kaylynn Washnock Stooksbury Russell Library Librarian II June 2025