Upcoming Events
Zine Making 101
It’s time to get crafty Dawgs! In this new series we’ll teach you how to create different zines. This month we'll focus on teaching you to fold a Victorian Puzzle Purse and in the spirit of spring we hope you'll use it to send a message to a mate, mentor, or memorable preson in your life. Hope you join us for some pro-craft-ination!
Online Office Hours
Need research help? Want to talk with a librarian? Drop-in to our online office hours for some preliminary research* and information support.
We can help you:
- Refine your topic
- Craft a search strategy
- Find sources and supporting evidence
- Evaluate sources
- Use information ethically, e.g., citation help
When: Every Tuesday 11am - 12pm and Thursday 4 - 5pm
Where: https://zoom.us/j/92062094478
*These online office hours are designed for preliminary assistance. For more in-depth assistance, set up an appointment for a research consultation.
EndNote Drop-In
Do you have a specific EndNote question or problem you need assistance with? Drop-in to the Main Library and meet with an expert to get information, troubleshooting, or training.
Note: Simultaneous alternate location at the McBay Science Library. See Events.
EndNote Drop-In
Do you have a specific EndNote question or problem you need assistance with? Drop-in to the McBay Science Library, classroom 217, and meet with an expert to get information, troubleshooting, or training.
Note: Simultaneous alternate location at the Main Library. See Events.
Online Office Hours
Need research help? Want to talk with a librarian? Drop-in to our online office hours for some preliminary research* and information support.
We can help you:
- Refine your topic
- Craft a search strategy
- Find sources and supporting evidence
- Evaluate sources
- Use information ethically, e.g., citation help
When: Every Tuesday 11am - 12pm and Thursday 4 - 5pm
Where: https://zoom.us/j/92062094478
*These online office hours are designed for preliminary assistance. For more in-depth assistance, set up an appointment for a research consultation.
Family Day: Sustainable Fashion
Join the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library for an afternoon of family fun and activities highlighting the new exhibit "From Farms to Fast Fashion: Unraveling the Need for Sustainable Style." Activities include weaving on a cardboard loom, hand stitching, and learning how to remove stains from fabric. There will be a scavenger hunt, snacks, and a sewist from Community demonstrating on a sewing machine.
To participate in the kid's clothing swap, bring your clean, gently used children's clothing & shoes (preemie to preteen) to swap with other participants. The more you bring, the more you can swap! Any left over clothing will be donated. If you have other questions about who to participate, email jess.grant@uga.edu
Online Office Hours
Need research help? Want to talk with a librarian? Drop-in to our online office hours for some preliminary research* and information support.
We can help you:
- Refine your topic
- Craft a search strategy
- Find sources and supporting evidence
- Evaluate sources
- Use information ethically, e.g., citation help
When: Every Tuesday 11am - 12pm and Thursday 4 - 5pm
Where: https://zoom.us/j/92062094478
*These online office hours are designed for preliminary assistance. For more in-depth assistance, set up an appointment for a research consultation.
Research Clinic for Undergrads
Research Clinics are held at multiple library locations throughout the semester. This clinic is aimed at undergraduates who need research help on a paper/assignment.
Bring your research assignment! In the clinics, we can help you:
"Como Vivimos" Film Screening & Panel Discussion
In California’s Central Valley, tucked between the county jail and the shooting range, 100 Mexican-American farmworking families live, love and strive at the Artesi II Migrant Family Housing Center. Until every December, that is, when they’re asked to leave. Join documentarian Aggie Ebrahimi Bazaz for a screening of "Como Vivimos (How We Live" on Thursday, April 3rd at 7:00PM EST/4:00PM PST. Following the screening, Aggie will be in conversation with virtual panelists Jessica Romero, Jose Modesto, and Maya Gonzales.
About the film:
Intro to Zotero
Join this online class session to learn how to:
Organize your Zotero Library
Attach and annotate PDFs
Export references from GoogleScholar and UGA Databases to Zotero
Insert in-text citations and full references from Zotero Library into a Word Document
Make a quick bibliography