Libraries Payroll Policy and Procedures

Benefited employees are required to submit planned absences well in advance and unplanned absences on the day they return to work. 

Supervisors of benefited employees are required to approve, deny, or pushback absence requests as soon as possible after receiving the email notification.


Biweekly Payroll:

  1. Supervisors are to instruct biweekly benefited staff that they are required to submit their hours worked at least every Friday and hold them accountable.
  1. Supervisors are to instruct biweekly student assistants on how to use the web clock and the importance of clocking out at the end of their shift.
  1. Every Friday, supervisors are required to fix all timesheet exceptions and to approve timesheets for all their biweekly employees. NOTE:  Supervisors of student assistants that work on Friday evenings or any time over the weekend should fix all timesheet exceptions and approve timesheets on Thursdays. On Mondays, these supervisors are required to fix any Friday night or weekend time exceptions and approve remaining hours.
  2. Supervisors are required to approve absence requests for biweekly paid employees by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday after the end of payroll period. After 10:00 a.m., the absence request module of OneUSG Connect is locked. Any requests not submitted or approved by the deadline will result in employees not being paid for those hours until the next on-cycle pay date.
  3. On Mondays before 10:00 a.m., after end of biweekly payroll period, supervisors are required to fix any remaining timesheet exceptions and approve timesheets for their employees.  After 10:00 a.m., UGA Payroll locks timesheets.
  4. Approving TL Compliance Data:  When time is not approved before the deadline, payroll will mass approve the timesheets. Managers use the TL Compliance Data to approve time after the fact. Instructions in Training Library:

Monthly Payroll:

UGA requires supervisors to approve absence requests for monthly paid employees by 9:00 a.m. seven days after the monthly payroll deadline (see Payroll Calendar).  Any absence requests not approved will be applied in the next monthly payroll. This is not a problem as long as the employee has accrued leave to cover the time.