Web Advisory Group

The role of the Web Advisory Group* is to:

  • advise the Web Editor on matters pertaining to the Libraries' web page with respect to policy, design, and content;
  • represent the viewpoints of the multiple constituencies within the Libraries; and
  • redesign pages, conduct assessment, keep apprised of new technological developments and software, and respond to needs for other changes as necessary

*WAG minutes, policy documents and project lists can be found at G:\UGALibs\MINUTES\Web Advisory Group



Current WAG Members:

Mazie Bowen

Chandler Christoffel

Eric Griffith, Associate Web Editor

Andrew Johnson

Mary Poland

Amber Prentiss

Deborah Stanley (ex-officio), Libraries' Web Editor

Kaylynn Washnock Stooksbury

Tonderleir Thornton

Camie Williams


Libraries Web Editor

The role of the Libraries Web Editor* is to:

  • clarify the mission and vision for the Library web site
  • determine what content/functionality the site will contain
  • specify how users will find information in the site by defining its organization, navigation, labeling and search systems
  • maintain primary and secondary level pages
  • map out how the site will accommodate change/growth over time
  • consult with and arrange training for departmental web editors


Departmental Web Editors

Each department has a web editor, whose duty it is to develop and maintain pages, and to serve as a liaison between the department, other web editors, WAG and the Libraries web editor. The web editors attend monthly meetings of the Web Editors Group.


Reporting Lines*:

The Web Editor reports to the Head of Research and Instruction. Important decisions concerning a major redesign or change in content of the web site are discussed with members of WAG which will make a recommendation to TOG. The TOG representative on WAG relays any concerns back to WAG. An example of a change that would be appropriate to bring to TOG would be adding another major entry point to the homepage. Periodic updates on WAG activities will be given at DHG in the small groups reports segment of the DHG meeting by members who serve on both groups.

*From the Library Web Page Policy, October 2004.