Media Desk

Spring Semester Course Reserves Guarantee Date

Submitted by MaryP on

The guarantee date for Spring Semester course reserves requests is December 11, 2017.  Requests submitted by this date are guaranteed to be available on the first day of class for the Spring Semester. Requests can be submitted at any time. Course reserves requests for the Spring Semester that are received after December 11, 2017 will be processed as quickly as possible, but we cannot guarantee the availability of the material by the start of classes. Course reserves materials may be available as print reserves or e-reserves.

Circulation Services Offline From Monday, May 22 thru Thursday, May 25

Submitted by MaryP on

All Circulation services provided through the UGA Libraries' current computer system will be taken offline on Monday, May 22, in preparation for our move to a new system. Only minimal Circulation services will be available at the libraries' service points on campus and at remote sites. There will be no access to any online Circulation services (online renewals, requesting, etc.) from Monday, May 22 thru Thursday, May 25. For more information, please call 706.542.3256 or email

New Releases

Submitted by Jking on


With Spring Break arriving soon, we've decided to give you all a little extra time to enjoy your films. Starting today (March 1st), all films will have a due date of March 13th (that's 12 days to enjoy your favorite comedy, documentary, television series, etc. etc.)!

It's True!!