Willson Center for Humanities and Arts

Douglas Kearney: An Experimental Dialogue

Douglas Kearney is a poet, performer, and librettist who has published seven books that bridge thematic concerns such as politics, African-American culture, masks, the Trickster figure, and contemporary music. His most recent book, Sho (Wave Books, 2021), was the winner for the 2022 Griffin Poetry Prize, the 2022 Minnesota Book Award for Poetry, and was a finalist for the National Book Award, the PEN/Voelcker Award, and the Kingsley Tufts Award.

DigiLab Colloquium: Hearing and Listening - Exploring Audio Methods in Qualitative Inquiry

Have you ever heard a sound that evokes a memory or an emotion? Listened to something that pulls you back to a particular place and time, a memory, a feeling? Sounds are an integral part of our knowing and being in the world, and yet they are often overlooked or flattened into textual representations in traditional research. Sonic inquiry is an interdisciplinary method of research that takes up skills and traditions from geography, anthropology, ethnography, and the arts.