There are many reasons the item you want may not be available from the UGA Libraries - we may not own it, our copy could be lost, missing, or checked out, or we may not have the specific issue of a journal.
We advise first checking the GIL Catalog to see if the item is available in another University System of Georgia library. If it is available, you can request it through the GIL Express service. If the book isn't available that way, make an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request.
The chart below explains some of the differences between GIL Express and Interlibrary Loan
GIL Express | ILL |
FREE to UGA students, faculty, and staff | FREE to UGA students, faculty, and staff |
Limited to only University System of Georgia libraries | Can borrow from libraries worldwide |
Checkout time is usually 4 weeks, with two 4-week renewal periods. | Checkout time is set by lending institution, can vary widely but is usually 4-6 weeks, sometimes with renewals, sometimes not. |
For books only | Can borrow a wide variety of materials |
If textbooks are available, patron may request | Will NOT borrow textbooks |
Will borrow books from other libraries even if the UGA Libraries own the item. | Will NOT borrow items that are owned by the UGA Libraries, unless the item is checked out or otherwise unavailable. |
For article requests, use Interlibrary Loan. GIL Express can obtain books for you from other libraries, but not journal articles.
For more details, please refer to the full guidelines for the Distance Learning Delivery Service.