How to Make a Donation of Books or Other Materials
- Contact the Gifts Coordinator Jeanette Morgan by email at or by phone at (706)542-0595, Tuesday - Friday. For large donations, donors may contact Ms. Morgan to discuss pick up by Libraries staff.
- Small donations (fewer than five items) can be brought to the Main Library Access Services Office from 9 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Friday or can be mailed to:
Jeanette Morgan
Gifts Coordinator
University of Georgia Libraries
320 South Jackson Street
Athens, GA 30602
General Information
- The Libraries consider gifts in select formats which add to the body of scholarly knowledge, enhance and enrich the Libraries' existing collections, and support the instructional and research programs of the University
- All donations will be reviewed before selection for the collection
- All gifts are accepted with the understanding that upon receipt the materials become the property of the University Libraries
- The Libraries reserve the right to determine acquisition, retention, location, cataloging, and other considerations relating to the gift's use or disposition
- In order to facilitate the Libraries' commitment to access, we ask that donors not place restrictions on materials
Charitable Contributions and Income Tax Deductions
- Resources on out-of-print and rare books, appraisals and determining the value of donations
- The Libraries cannot provide appraisals, tax advice or interpretation of tax laws
- For specific questions regarding charitable donations, donors should consult the IRS or a tax expert
- The IRS Publications 526 (Charitable Contributions) and 561 (Determining the Value of Donated Property) can help answer questions you may have about regulations governing noncash charitable contributions
- Donors must fill out IRS Form 8283 (Noncash Charitable Contributions) when filing taxes if they are claiming a deduction of over $500 for all contributed property