Discover Oral History

The Russell Library’s oral history collections document the voices and intersections of politics, public policy, government, society, and culture. Collection strengths and focuses include modern Georgia politics, policy, and biography, disability rights, U.S. foreign service, African-American experience, Athens, Georgia, and Athens music history. 

Aida Quinones

Aida Quinones (Athens Oral History Project)

Brian Mosely

Brian Mosely (Our Stories, Our Lives: Georgia Libraries for Accessible Statewide Services (GLASS) Oral History Project)

Gussie Phillips, a middle-aged African-American woman, gestures as she talks in her oral history interview

Gussie Phillips (Richard B. Russell Library Oral History Documentary Collection)

Julian Bond

Julian Bond (Reflections on Georgia Politics)

Guy Millner (Two-Party Georgia Oral History Project)

Guy Millner (Two-Party Georgia Oral History Project)